To achieve the Quality Standard Award Level a council demonstrates that it meets all requirements of the Foundation Award and has additional documentation and information in place for good governance, effective community engagement and council improvement. The Quality Award criteria include the eligibility criteria for the General Power of Competence.
Quality Level
The Council confirms by resolution at a full Council meeting that it meets all requirements and that it also publishes on its website:
- Draft minutes of all council and committee meetings within four weeks of the last meeting.
- A Health and Safety policy.
- Its policy on equality.
- Councillor profiles.
- A community engagement policy involving two-way communication between council and community.
- A grant awarding policy.
- Evidence showing how electors contribute to the Annual Parish or Town Meeting.
- An action plan and related budget responding to community engagement and setting out a timetable for action and review.
- Evidence of community engagement, council activities and the promotion of democratic processes in an annual report, online material, and regular news bulletins.
- Evidence of helping the community plan for its future.
- A scheme of delegation (where relevant).
- Addressed complaints received in the last year.
- At least two-thirds of its councillors who stood for election.
- A printed annual report that is distributed at locations across the community.
- A qualified clerk.
- A clerk employed according to nationally or locally agreed terms and conditions.
- A formal appraisal process for all staff.
- A training policy and record for all staff and councillors.