Mission Statement
Complaints Procedure
Vexatious or Persistent Complainants Policy
Standing Orders
Casual Vacancy Policy
Media/Publicity Policy
Equality and Diversity Policy
Training Policy
Information & Data Protection Policy
Retention & Disposal Policy
Removal Media Policy
Recruitment Policy
Biodiversity Statement
Crime and Disorder Policy
Civic Regalia Policy
Gifts & Hospitality Policy
Members Remuneration Scheme Policy
Health & Safety Policy
Computer And IT Policy
CCTV Policy
Civic Invitation Policy
Memorial Benches and Plaques Policy
Community Engagement Policy
Recording Of Meetings Policy
Social Media Policy
Planning Policy
Disciplinary Procedure
Grievance Procedure
The Council as a Corporate Body
Delivering Value for Money
Scheme of Delegation
Tree Policy
Canvey Island Town Council are committed to providing openness and transparency. We will do our best to respond positively and efficiently to all requests for information. There are some exemptions which are laid down in the Freedom of Information Act 2000 but, as a general rule, we will provide information wherever possible.
Please check the Publication Scheme and our Freedom of Information Policy as these provide details about the information that we publish, how to obtain it and where to find it.
Freedom of Information requests or enquiries can be sent to the Town Clerk at the Council office or email: clerk@canveyisland-tc.gov.uk